A tough commercial photo shoot last month, only two days to shoot a whole calendar at several locations in rainy season, some with small children. Many of the required backdrops were green spaces and Phnom Penh is limited when it comes to parks. Indoor locations included Phnom Penh Pochentong airport's new departure terminal at its busiest time of the day, shooting around passengers scurrying about was pretty hectic.
These images are currently being used for billboards, print ads and for the up coming Manulife 2016 calendar. Again art director Phirith Uch from River Orchid was great to work with, he also did the layout design, along with much help and organisation from Miss. Both and the River Orchid team. The talents included the famous Cambodian comedian Chab Chien and family who did an excellent job. Plus other loyal Manulife customers and staff. Working with non actors and small children can be challenging, not to mention the changing weather. But we managed to get it all done in time with surprisingly good results. More pics to come from the shoot as they are released into the public realm.