Guardian Portrait Assignment

Something more meaningful for a change, I was assigned a portrait shoot last month for The Guardian to photograph Mohammed Roshid, a Rohingya refugee stranded in Cambodia.

Read the article and see more images - “From Nauru to limbo: the anguish of Australia's last asylum seeker in Cambodia” by Yaara Bou and Helen Davidson


Digital Divide Data photo shoot

I had the pleasure of shooting documentary stills this month for Digital Divide Data. The approach was a mix of staged and documentary photography for DDD’s future publications and websites -

“DDD delivers digital content, data, and research services to clients worldwide including research institutions, cultural heritage organizations, nonprofits, NGOs and commercial enterprises”.

DDD train students to work as researchers and image/document archivists. Their Cambodia head office and training center is based in Phnom Penh. There are also several rooms at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum dedicated to archiving the images and documents that survived the reign of terror during the Khmer Rouge era of 70s Cambodia. Below are a few examples from the images I shot over the two days.